Minggu, 12 Oktober 2014


NPM / KELAS : 27211332 / 4EB21

  •   Pendahuluan
Dalam dunia perekomonian, industri perbankan sudah bukan hal yang baru melainkan salah satu industri yang menunjukan persaingan yang begitu pesat. Persaingan ini dapat dilihat dari banyaknya jumlah bank yang beroperasi, dengan visi misi yang tidak jauh berbeda antar bank satu dengan yang lain. 

Disamping itu jauh dari lingkup persaingan untuk mencapai kemajuan dan kesuksesan suatu bank, ada beberapa hal yang dengan sengaja dapat menjatuhkan suatu perbankan yang bersifat fatal yakni pencabutan izin usaha suatu perbankan yang dilakukan oleh Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS). Hal tersebut terjadi karena adanya tindak kecurangan yang dilakukan oleh pengurus perbankan tersebut. 

Seperti yang dilansir dari media TEMPO.CO, Surakarta - Bank Indonesia mencabut izin usaha PT Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) Sukowati Jaya yang beroperasi di Sragen, Jawa Tengah. Pencabutan itu dilakukan setelah selama enam bulan terakhir BPR itu berstatus dalam pengawasan khusus. Dalam laporan berkala yang diserahkan ke Bank Indonesia, BPR itu mengklaim memiliki aset sebesar Rp 7,8 miliar. Mereka juga berhasil menghimpun dana masyarakat sebesar Rp 4,5 miliar dan menyalurkan kredit sebesar Rp 5,08 miliar. 

Menurut Doni Kepala Kantor Perwakilan Bank Indonesia Solo, menurunnya kesehatan BPR tersebut bukanlah akibat dari kondisi perekonomian di Surakarta dan sekitarnya. Sebab, kondisi umum dunia perbankan di Surakarta pada saat ini justru cukup bagus. "Penyebabnya adalah ketidakmampuan pengurus menerapkan good corporate governance," katanya. Penerapan good corporate governance yaitu Transparansi keterbukaan informasi yang tidak dimanipulatif, Accountability kejelasan fungsi dan tanggung jawab dalam kebijakan perusahaan, Responsibility aktif terhadap setiap yang berkembang dimasyarakat, Independensi berjalan sendiri semua harus untung tidak ada yang merugi, dan Fairness perlakuan yang adil dalam memenuhi hak dan kewajiban.

     Bank Indonesia mengindikasi terdapat beberapa kecurangan yang dilakukan oleh pengurus BPR yang mengarah pada tindak pidana perbankan. Kasus pidana tersebut akan segera ditangani oleh kepolisian serta kejaksaan setelah audit selesai dilakukan.
Referensi : 

Senin, 30 Juni 2014


NPM / KELAS : 27211332 / 3EB21

Power bank as its name means place to store electrical power. This tool is very helpful especially for people - people who like to travel / travel frequently because this tool can keep the electronic gadgets and devices we keep the flame for a long time.

Mobile Power Bank first exhibited in 2001 at Las Vegas International Consumer Electronics Show. Mobile Power Bank became initiative advent of portable external battery / power bank.

Excess Power Bank:

    1. Extremely helpful when you are in a moment where the journey is difficult, or even no electricity.
    2. Generally Power Bank has a high power specification mAh capacity is very large, far less than the battery backup. This makes the charging process can be faster.
    3. Universal power bank charger, using miniUSB or microUSB port that can supply several different gadgets energy brand.

Disadvantages Power Bank:

    1. Several case power bank can actually shorten the life of the battery, the article does not match the size of the voltage between the power of banks with the smartphone.
    2. Price is still relatively expensive, especially power bank with large capacity leading brands that have good quality, such as artificial Alkaline, Panasonic and Sanyo.
    3. Relatively heavy weights for power bank which has a large capacity, and some types must be operated with the support of the USB cable.
    4. The Power banks also require processes such as battery charge, and usually its duration can reach 5 to 6 hours a day even up to full capacity.
    5. Batteries mobile phone or smartphone while in charge of heat quickly.
    6. Could damage the SIM card if it is too long or too frequent use of the Power Bank.

Here is a review from me, the rest how to use the product.

Source : Hayyuretno.wordpress.com

Minggu, 01 Juni 2014


Nama : Wahyu Muchri Prabowo
Kelas : 3EB21
Npm : 27211332
Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2
" Application Letter, Memorandum, and Advertisment " (Tugas)

Application Letter.

Bekasi, January 21st, 2014

To : Designation. Lab staff

Dear Sirs,
Relative absence of vacancy information aslab, with this I intend applying to be asisstant laboratory.
For your information, I am currently studying at the Faculty of Economics S1 Gunadarma University Accounting Department.
I hope the above terkabulnya this petition and I am ready to accept the call testing / interview if necessary. On the attention and opportunity Mr / Ms give, I thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Wahyu Muchri Prabowo


To         : All employees
From     : Wahyu Muchri Prabowo, Director
Date      : January 7, 2014
Subject  : Charitable Leave

The corporation is pleased to announce a new policy which will allow employees to take paid time off for volunteer activities. Employees may take up to eight hours of paid leave per month to volunteer for charity organizations. Employees are eligible for this programs if they are full-time and have been employed here for at least one year. Charitable leave must also be approved by the employee’s supervisor.


Wahyu Muchri Prabowo



We are INTERNAL FREIGHT forwarding looking for:
    1. Operating Staff.
Male, max.27 years old.1 year, experience, honest, able to work under pressure, have motorcycle and driving license (A & C ).
    2. Marketing  Executive.
Male/female, max 25 ,exp.min 1 year in marketing, fluent in English oral & written, good looking, team worker, honest & hardworker.
Please send CV with recent 3 x 4 photograph latest by Feb.21 , 2013 to:

HRD Manager, Ruko Tanjung Priok Permai
Jl. Laksda M. Nasir  29  Blok E-17. Surabaya.